Russ worked in a large corporation (Marks & Spencer for 11 years) and has been a PA to several directors. She has also worked in property management for many years.
Russ knows how to organise and prioritise at a high level. She is non-judgemental, very discreet and empathetic to peoples requirements and needs.
She has four children and a dog called Lulu who is a therapy dog. She has volunteered with Lulu for an adult mental health unit, a sick children's charity and at The Royal Free Hospital with teenagers and the elderly.
She is passionate about what she does and has been decluttering for most of her life, so much so that her friends and family suggested she do it professionally.
Russ has helped teenagers (some with ADHD, anxiety, aspergers and dyslexia) through to the more mature clients and adapts her methods accordingly. She has also helped school children prepare for their exams by organising their subject folders and work space/bedrooms and helped students prepare for university. In addition to this she organises home offices/files and puts systems in place to maximise productivity.